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Name: Milenka
Home: Santiago, Chile
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  martes, 5 de mayo de 2009  
Since I was a little girl, I've always been interested in fashion. Even if I don't wear fashionable clothes, I really enjoy watching the new trends of fashion over the years.
That's why I visit almost everyday http://www.thesartorialist.com/, a site that i found surfing on the internet.
This web page contains pictures from all over the world, pictures of people wearing excentric clothes, made by their own, by famous designers, or bought in thrift stores.

I like that the web page shows that you don't have to be rich or famous to dress nice, and that you don't need to be the most beautiful person in the world. Fashion it's about confidence in yourself, confidence in what you're wearing and being happy about it.

Fashion it's not set by the famous designers, people set the new trends. That's why fashion changes from time to time, because people choose what to wear and what not to wear.

I also like that Scott Schuman, the owner of the website, always felt a gap between what he was selling and what was people really wearing. So, over the years, he took his camera and took pictures of really trendy people in the streets, of all ages, from children to seniors.
Designers seemed to be disconnected from reality, so these pictures showed that people don't exactly follow the rules of fashion that the houses of design set.
In reality people don't wear over the top designs, full of feathers or sequins. People like to be comfortable, they like to use wearable clothes, but they must look nice. I mean, clothes should follow a fashion trend at the same time.

With time, the site got famous, and Scott Schuman couldn't travel all over the world to take new pictures, so he recruited a group of young photographers to do the job with him. That's why, now, The Sartorialist covers the big fashion hotspots in cities like Paris, New York, Tokio and Rome. But, this independent photographers also travel to small cities in small countries chasing for new styles.

I really enjoy the photo comments, because people can debate about what's new, and what's coming in the following years. And the page visitors always argue about what's in and what's out, and this debates can get really funny when people take fashion too seriously.

Since The Sartorialist started, there's been a huge increase in fashion and photography blogs. Even in Chile, where http://www.vistelacalle.com/ it's very famous right now. This site shows fashion trends of young common people in the streets of Santiago.


posted by Milenka @ 12:08  
  • At 19 de mayo de 2009, 12:17, Blogger Marcelo Peralta G. said…

    Milenka, do you actually follow any tendencies in fashion, or do you think people should be as free as possible to wear whatever they like?

    PLease check the difference between the following words:
    - fashionable-fashionably
    - found - founded
    - set - setted
    - this - these

  • At 26 de mayo de 2009, 12:33, Blogger Milenka said…

    I think people should be free to wear whatever they like! Because, as I said, fashion is in the confidence you have wearing your own clothes. Even if it's a black garbage bag haha.
    Thanks for the tips!


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